Impact of Administration’s Policies on Job Creation: Lombardo Consulting Group

Around 8 out of 10 small business owners which constitutes 45 percent of them expressed that they are very concerned about the increase in the size and power of the US federal government over the past few years, according to an independent poll conducted by Lombardo Consulting Group which was commissioned by the US Chamber.

The small business owners felt that the policies of administration are not having any positive impact on the economic situation of the country. About half of them i.e., 46 percent of them felt that the administration policies are ruining the economy. Around 22 percent of them said that there was no effect of administration policies. Only 30 percent of the small business owners believed that the administration policies are helping the economy in a better way.

  • The administration policies are not that much effective, according to the poll.
  • As per 44 percent of small business owners, there will be decrease in number of jobs in US because of the administration policies, but contradictory to this, 30 percent of the small business owners believe that the administration policies will result in more jobs. Around 19 percent of small business owners believe that the administration policies will have no effect on the job situation in US.
  • Almost 57 percent of small business owners think tha the administration is not having a clear plan for creating jobs.