How to Know the Differences Between Fake Pearl and Real Pearl

Natural Pearls are more expensive. So, one should be careful in buying or purchasing the pearls. These are suitable for all the types of dresses. It will suit for both the formal and the party wear. The real and the natural pearls are more expensive than the fake ones. There are so many counterfeits which are being produced in the market. The fake pearls also look just like the original one.

The different types of tests performed for identifying the real one are:

  • Determine the size of the pearls. Examine the exact size. Real pearls differ in sizes and two pearls are not alike.
  • Examine the weight of the pearl. Real pearls weigh more than the fake ones. The Fake pearls weigh less and the fake pearls which are made of glass are heavier. Except those made of glass all will weigh less.
  • After seeing the drilled hole also one can determine the real one and the fake one. The fake one has a large hole than the real one.
  • Also you can check by placing it in the sun. The real pearl will vary in size and the will show differences in the color. But the fake one will show only one color.
  • Fake pearls are exactly round in shape. The original one will have the bumps on the sides. If the shape is exactly round then there is no doubt to express them as the fake ones.
  • Generally, pearls have the texture similar to the sand which is called the grainy structure. The pearls will not be smooth. Check them by moving on the tooth if you feel slippery then you can say the pearl as the fake one.
  • If the pearl is set in the gold, silver and platinum. Then obviously it will be an original one. But if the pearl is in the metal, plastic or the fashionable ones then it is the trendy one.

Some of the tests are used for checking whether the pearl is real or the fake one like X-ray test and the magnification tests are used for checking the pearls.

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